Frank Naro biography, real name and net worth

Frank Naro biography, real name and net worth

Who is Frank Naro? Frank Naro is a Ghanaian actor in the Kumawood movie industry. He began his acting career in 2008 when he was just a young boy. Naro is a musician and film producer in addition to his acting career. He is the CEO of Frank Naro Films Productions, producers of the Fantasy of Love television series.

Profile Summary of Frank Naro

Real name: Frank Osei
Date of Birth: November 11, 1997
Age: 26 years old
Nationality: Ghanaian
Hometown: Kumasi, Ashanti Region
Tribe: Asante
Instagram: @oboyfranknaro3
Facebook: Frank Naro
Twitter: @oboyfranknaro3
TikTok: @oboyfranknaro

Early life

Oboy Frank Naro was born and raised in Kumasi, the Ashanti Region of Ghana. He was born on November 11, 1997, to Mr. & Mrs. Osei. The actor cum musician is 26 years old.


Frank has brothers and sisters. One of his sisters is called Boaduwaa.

Educational Background

He completed his high school education at Joy Standard School (SHS) in Atonsu, Kumasi.


He has a girlfriend.

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Acting Career

Frank Naro was once a footballer. He played for a football club in Kumasi called Conner Babies. Naro began his acting career at a young age in school, where he participated in Dramas. In 2008, Frank went for a movie audition at the Cultural Center in Kumasi, and he was allowed to join a group of actors and actresses.

Naro started training with the group at the Cultural Center and got his first film role, a supporting role, in the movie Fakye (Efie Ponko). He starred in this movie with the likes of actor Waayosi. He played many supporting roles before he landed a major role in the film, “Asem Aba Ghana.” He has been featured in many movies and produced a number of them.


• Police Girl
• Musuo Ben Nie
• Fakye (Efie Ponko)
• Asem Aba Ghana
• Libya Akwentuo


• Fantasy of Love (TV Series)
• Police Girl


• Emerging Movie Awards Ghana 2021.

Music Career

Frank Naro was a backing vocalist on the songs on his Colleague actor Kwaku Manu’s first music album, “Wobete Kraw,” released on September 24, 2011. At the time, he wasn’t interested in adding music to his acting career, but a few years later, Frank saw that music was something he could also entertain Ghanaians with, so he dropped his first track, “I Like It,” featuring Flowking Stone. However, the song was not well received by Ghanaians.

Subsequently, he signed to Guru’s NKZ for a year and released some singles. After his contract ended, he introduced his own label and has released more than ten songs that feature artists in Ghana like Fameye, Kofi Kinaata, Medikal, and Goya Menor from Nigeria. Naro has performed at many events in Ghana and abroad, which include Shakala Live Concert, Ghana music awards France, and Peevolution Album Concert.


• Koom ft Fameye
• Do Me ft. Fameye
• Osaberima ft. Guru
• Ashana Babe ft. Fire B
• Abena ft. Kofi Kinaata
• Funny love
• My God dey ft. Flowking Stone & Atumpan
• Nkwaa Abodoo ft. Bra Joe
• Guy guy ft. Guru & King Kay
• I Like It ft. Goya Menor
• Twa Me 2 ft. Quamina MP & Medikal
• Ade3 No ft. Keche
• Ye Gyina Mu ft. Amerado
• Akosombo Kania
• Toko Rum

House and Cars

Frank Naro has built a house in Accra. He drives a Hyundai Elantra car.

Net worth

He has an estimated net worth of $80,000.


Naro was involved in a car accident in 2020 when he was returning to Accra with his team after a performance at a newly opened pub at Pekyi Number 2 in Kumasi. The accident occurred on the Kumasi-Accra road and affected his left arm. Frank’s team and other accident victims were severely injured.

FAQs about Frank Naro

• Is Frank Naro alive?
Yes, he is alive.

• Is Frank Naro the brother of Kwaku Manu?

• How old is Frank Naro?
He is 26 years old as of 2023.

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