Food timetable for pregnant ladies in Ghana

Food timetable for pregnant ladies in Ghana

The journey of pregnancy requires careful attention to nutrition, which is why, during the pregnancy period, nutritionists or dieticians advise that all pregnant ladies eat foods that contain essential nutrients such as Iron, Calcium, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which are crucial for normal body function and growth, and also, key for a safer delivery and healthy baby.

This article aims to guide pregnant ladies in Ghana on the examples of foods they can eat during their pregnancy period. One may go according to this food timetable or not necessarily follow this timetable because pregnant ladies have different cravings during pregnancy. However, this food timetable for pregnant ladies in Ghana harmonizes with the nutritional requirements essential during pregnancy and the flavorful traditions inherent in Ghanaian cuisine.

Read also: Ayewamu by Jane Menu

Below is the food timetable for pregnant ladies in Ghana.


Morning: Oat/Tom Brown & side salad.
Afternoon: Tuo Zaafi with Ayoyo Soup & side fruits.
Evening: Plain Rice with Soup & side Fortified milk.


Morning: Banku with Okro Soup and fish
Tuesday: Boiled Yam with egg stew & side Yoghurt.
Evening: Tom Brown/White Porridge & side fruits.


Morning: Yam Porridge (Mpotompoto) with Salmon
Afternoon: Fufu with groundnut soup
Evening: Jollof Rice with Salad.


Morning: Noodles with grilled fish & side Yoghurt.
Afternoon: Tuo Zaafi with Ayoyo Soup & side fruits.
Evening: Plain Rice with beef sauce & side fruits.


Morning: Milo tea with toasted bread and egg with cheese.
Afternoon: Waakye with fried fish & side fruits.
Evening: Ripe Plantain with cocoyam leaves stew (Kontomire) with side Yoghurt.


Morning: White Porridge with toasted bread and egg with cheese
Afternoon: Yam Chips with Chicken & side fruit salad.
Evening: Banku or Kenkey with Tilapia and pepper


Morning: Plain Rice with Kontomire Stew
Afternoon: Fufu with Palm nut soup & side Yoghurt.
Evening: Boiled Yam and egg stew with side fruit salad.

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