How to Convert Airtime to Mobile Money On MTN

By | January 26, 2023

How to Convert Airtime To Mobile Money

This has not happened to me before, but I know a couple of friends who mistakenly buy huge airtime: for instance, buying GHC 50 airtime instead of GHC 5 airtime which you don’t need.

Some people, also at times, send airtime to people instead of money. That is a waste of money because you have to send the money to the person again.

Thanks to MTN mobile money for bringing this new initiative that allows MTN mobile money users to reverse airtime to mobile money.

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In case you mistakenly sent airtime instead of money or a wrong airtime transfer was sent to you, this allows you to reverse the transaction to mobile money.

But there are a few things you must note when reversing the transaction and before we talk about that, let’s learn how airtime reversal for MTN mobile money.

How to convert Airtime To Mobile Money

How To Convert Airtime To Mobile Money

1. Dial *170#

2. Enter 6 to visit your wallet

3. Enter 7 for airtime reversal

4. The transaction amount will appear; enter 1 to confirm the transaction

5. A pop-up appears asking you to confirm your reversal of the airtime. Press 1 to confirm.

Now you wait for a few minutes as MTN reverses the transaction for you.

To prevent people from abusing this initiative, MTN has put some conditions regarding the reversal of the airtime transactions to mobile money.

Here are some things to note:

1. MTN merchant numbers cannot perform this reversal

2. The minimum amount for the reversal is GHC 10.

3. Customers are not allowed to reverse a part of the transaction. You can only reverse the total transaction.

4. If the customer used part of the total amount he bought, he must buy airtime with his mobile money account to make up the total amount

5. You can only perform a reversal within 72 hours. No airtime reversal is allowed after 72 hours.

6. You can only reverse a transaction once a week.

What I’m not sure about is that airtime from a scratch card to mobile money. Also, this initiative is for numbers with registered mobile money.

That’s it. If you need any further explanation, let us know in the Comment section.

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